"Jesus is like the prodigal son ready to return to His Father's house
For is not Christ the true prodigal?
Thirty years ago He left His Father's eternal mansion and went off into the foreign country of this world and began to spend Himself,
dispensing with infinite prodigality the divine riches of power and wisdom,
and bestowing with heavenly liberality the divine gifts of pardon and mercy.
And so now He sets back on the road to His Father's house.".
For is not Christ the true prodigal?
Thirty years ago He left His Father's eternal mansion and went off into the foreign country of this world and began to spend Himself,
dispensing with infinite prodigality the divine riches of power and wisdom,
and bestowing with heavenly liberality the divine gifts of pardon and mercy.
And so now He sets back on the road to His Father's house.".